Having recently finished EcoSim, I wanted to start a much smaller scoped project. Warcraft 3 Remastered is coming out later this year, and I’m pretty excited for that. I’m gonna try my best to make a mod for it as soon as it comes out. Ideally I’d like to be able to push out a mod by around when most people finish up the campaign, which I would guess would be within a week of the release. Because I’d really like to hit that time window, I wanted to do an initial prototype of my planned mod in the old Warcraft 3 World Editor from 2002. This will re-familiarize myself with the Warcraft 3 World Editor and get my ideas for the mod prototyped and tweaked for limitations as necessary. For this mod, I’m going to try to implement World of Warcraft classes as RTS heroes, where you control a squad of heroes to defeat bosses. I’m calling this project Patchwerk Prototype and will be updating the project page as I go. Credits for the community provided custom assets used in this project can be found there as well.
My first step was to implement the simplest heroes planned for each role. Blood Death Knight for Tank, Holy Priest for Healer, and Beast Mastery Hunter for Damage.
Blood Death Knight

The Blood Death Knight is a Tank. Tanks hold the monsters’ attention and can take a beating. Death Knights stay alive by healing themselves with Death Strike and Vampiric Blood while reducing their damage taken with Bone Shield.
Holy Priest

The Holy Priest is a Healer. Healers need to keep their allies alive without running out of mana before the fight ends. Priests try to use the efficient Heal and only switch to the expensive Flash Heal when necessary. In an emergency, the Priest can prevent an ally from dying with Guardian Spirit.
Beast Mastery Hunter

The Beast Mastery Hunter is a Damage Dealer. A Damage Dealer’s job is to kill the monsters as quickly as possible. The Beast Mastery Hunter can keep a steady output of damage with Barbed Shot and Misha’s attacks. Kill Command and Bestial Wrath have long cooldowns but can output a significant damage boost.
Looking Forward
The next thing I’ll be doing is setting up a spreadsheet to use to determine what the costs and values of hero abilities should be. I’ll also be adding a big dumb Patchwerk boss to fight for testing purposes.