

Ninjacade is the prototype for a hack and slash platformer, built in a custom C++ component-based engine. I worked on Ninjacade’s engine as a semester-long project during my third semester at DigiPen for my Project II class. Typically, students focus on building an engine in the third semester and build a game in that engine in the fourth semester. However, by the end of the semester, our team wasn’t too excited about the game for which we were making the engine and decided to disband to work on different projects. Consequently, Ninjacade is not too much of a game project, and more of a game engine project. More information about the engine can be found in blog posts below.


Blog Posts

Graphics Engine and Art Pipeline

Level Editor



Conor Lavelle

Graphics Engine, Art Pipeline, Level Editor, and Tools

Gabriel Neumann

Core Engine Architecture andĀ Zilch Binding

Jiangdi Gou

Physics and Audio

Mitchel Reagan

Tilemap Art and Game Design

Josh Painter

Producer and Game Design

Special Thanks

Nolan Lemahn – AssistanceĀ and Guidance

Mariah Owens – Player Animations

Casey Weitzel – Enemy Animations



Although I didn’t personally work on the art, I think it’s a shame that Mariah and Casey went through the trouble to make it and we never completed a full game with their art, so I’m showcasing it here.