Construct Quarter Project Page
First Fight
The next milestone after the first heroes was implementing the remaining heroes and a rough but complete version of the first boss fight, Patchwerk. I added another tank, another healer, and three additional damage dealers for a total of eight heroes. I’m going to go into the heroes more in a future post. Below is a video of me fighting that early rough version of the Patchwerk fight.
The Bosses
Once I had Patchwerk working as expected, I continued to implement initial passes of the remaining bosses. The bosses I implemented are:
- Patchwerk – An abomination that attacks his targets furiously
- Grobbulus – A plague giant that spawns slimes and poison clouds
- Gluth – A plague dog that can heal by eating zombies
- Thaddius – An undead construct that attacks with electricity
I’ll go into more detail about the bosses and include videos of them in a future post.
After all the bosses were implemented, I did a lot of tiny little tasks to polish the map. This included things like cleaning up the terrain, adding decorations to the map, adding colored text warnings to the boss fights, and adding a few quick lesser monsters to make the map feel more populated. At the very end I added dynamic decorations, like grunts defending a barricade from infinite ghouls, particle system like poison clouds near Grobbulus, and overloading tesla coils near Thaddius.

This post was pretty short and to-the-point, I just wanted to do a quick update that I had finished. I’ll be adding more posts in the coming days that go over the heroes (update: hero post here), the bosses (update: boss post here), and my overall reflections on this project.