The Construct Quarter is a Warcraft 3 custom map I worked on from January to March 2020.
The map can be downloaded any of the following places:
Part 1 – Research and Toolchain
Part 2 – Hero Data Framework
Part 3 – First Heroes
Part 4 – The Rest
Art Credits
- Tutorial/Sandbox
- PowerSlash by ThePanda used for Omnislash
- Construct Quarter
- Naxxramas by Kang Jason and Mathias Verhasselt used for Loading Screen
- Originally used for Blizzard’s Hearthstone: Curse of Naxxramas cinematic trailer
- Naxxramas by Kang Jason and Mathias Verhasselt used for Loading Screen
Tools Credits
- War3 C# Support by Drake53
- BLP <-> TGA Converter by Ralle
I wrote my own WarC# Tutorial to cement my understanding of the framework. That tutorial’s References Section is updated with every tutorial I used to implement this project.